Redwood Complex Fire - Potter Valley, CA

When you lose everything in a fire, it can be difficult to make decisions about next steps, including whether you need a lawyer to help with a wildfire claim. If you are a victim of the Redwood Complex Fire, it is understandable that you might still be struggling. Wildfires cause financial, emotional, and physical losses that can be debilitating.

The utility company responsible for starting the fire could be liable for damages. However, proving your case, dealing with the deadlines, and trying to understand the requirements for wildfire claims and lawsuits can be overwhelming.

If you have questions, contact an experienced lawyer at Wildfire Law Center. A lawyer can help you determine your next steps while explaining your legal rights and options for pursuing a wildfire claim after the Redwood Complex Fire – Potter Valley, CA.

How Can Wildfire Law Center Help You With Your Claim for the Redwood Complex Fire?

How Can Wildfire Law Center Help You With Your Claim for the Redwood Complex Fire?

Wildfires can cause catastrophic destruction. The losses include family homes, local businesses, and valuables. They also include injuries, emotional distress, and wrongful deaths. 

Recovering from a wildfire can be difficult, especially if you are trying to deal with insurance claims and legal issues. However, a California wildfire claim lawyer can help. 

When you hire an attorney to handle your wildfire claim, you can expect your lawyer to:

  • Provide assistance as you file insurance claims for compensation of losses caused by the fire
  • Identify the parties responsible for causing the wildfire
  • Hire experts when necessary to assist in the investigation
  • File claims on your behalf with the parties responsible for your damages
  • Update you on the process of your wildfire claim
  • Fight to recover fair compensation for your damages, including filing a wildfire lawsuit if necessary and arguing your case in court

If you have questions about the Redwood Complex fire, schedule a free consultation with a California wildfire lawsuit attorney to discuss your claim.

Summary of the Redwood Complex Fire

Two fires started one day apart in the wine country in northern California.

The first fire started on October 8, 2017, in Potter Valley, California, in northwest Mendocino County. The second fire began on October 9, 2017, in Redwood Valley, located in northern California.

The Potter Valley and Redwood Valley fires joined together to become the Redwood Complex fire. Evacuations ordered people to leave their homes and businesses to get out of the way of the fire. 

The massive fire required resources from numerous agencies to contain. Agencies that helped fight the fire and provide support included:

  • Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office
  • Mendocino County Fire Department
  • United States Forest Service
  • American Red Cross
  • California Highway Patrol
  • California National Guard

Before the Redwood Complex fire was contained, it burned through 36,523 acres. Almost 600 structures were destroyed or badly damaged. Nearly 8,000 people were forced to evacuate the fire area.

The Redwood Complex fire killed nine people. In addition, over 20 people were hospitalized with severe burns.

What Caused the Redwood Complex Fire in California?

The cause of the fire is still disputed. However, Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) has been implicated in the cause of the Redwood Complex fire. The last update on CAL Fire’s website states that the cause of the fire is still under investigation, although that was on October 25, 2019.

PG&E has had problems in the past with its equipment. It was blamed for causing the Butte Fire in 2015 and the Camp Fire in 2018. It appears that PG&E’s equipment could be to blame for one or more fires that devastated wine country, including the Redwood Complex fire.

What Should You Do if You Were Impacted by the Redwood Complex Fire?

Talk with a California wildfire attorney about filing claims or a lawsuit for your damages.  In addition to direct damages from the Redwood Complex fire, there could also be collateral damages. The collateral damage could be caused by flooding, mudslides, and other water-related hazards that result from the ground being scorched by the fire. 

You may have a claim against PG&E, or you may have a property insurance claim against your home owner’s or renter’s insurance. The California fire damage attorneys at Wildfire Law Center can help you explore your options and identify a plan for holding the responsible parties liable for your damages.

Contact Wildfire Law Center for Help with a Redwood Complex Fire Claim

The Redwood Complex fire caused massive losses and damages. You could be entitled to compensation if you sustained damages because of the Redwood Complex fire. You shouldn’t wait to file your claim.

Talk with a California wildfire lawyer to discuss your legal options. Wildfire Law Center offers free consultations to all victims affected by the Redwood Complex Fire and other wildfires in California. Contact us today to schedule yours.